photography from the wool and sketch for a custom rug
photography with her hand touching the wool

Co create your own custom art work

Let's create together this unique art work that will envelop your home in beauty and softness.

I like to talk about co-creation because I put myself at the service of your desires and inspirations. I create according to what I sense about you and the place you want to decorate.

Together we bring a unique design to life, which I then hand-make with care and love in my studio in Antwerp.

how it works ?

From Concept to Creation: Artwork Shaped with your desire and my Imagination


We discuss your various desires and inspirations. Shape, size, colours, everything is up for discussion.

I come up with 3 designs based on our discussions, and you choose the one that will become yours.


The time has come to bring our creation to life. It can take between 8 and 12 weeks, depending on the size of your order.


Once finished, I'll send it to you, or you can pick it up in my workshop in Antwerp, Belgium

Request a quote

My love for materials leads me to select them with care. The need to have an ecological ethos behind the materials I use has always been evident.
When I create, I need to know and feel that the materials are noble; that's what inspires me to showcase them, to transform these pure and raw materials into works of art.
I am constantly searching for new materials, such as this summer when I discovered in the mountains of Trièves a brand of organic wool hand-dyed with flowers

swatch from the color palette

In the creation of textile artworks, there's a highly intuitive element in my selection that involves touch, feel, and sight. When I'm drawn to a material, I can instinctively know it's the right one, without always needing mental confirmation.

Fleur Julliat touching the material before making the wall art

For rugs, I exclusively use 100% untreated wool from French sheep, sourced from the Limousin and Massif Central regions. Wool brings comfort, quality, and durability to your rugs.

Fleur julliat thinking about with color and material she will choose

Everything starts with the need to express something. This need arises from a desire, an emotion, an experience. It's a gentle blend of letting go and listening to my inner movements, the ones that ask to be heard but only reveal themselves in tranquility. I like to say that 'I let myself dive inside of me,' as if embarking on a journey to discover what I intimately have to express.

sketch from from small rug accessories

Request a quote

Are you interested in initiating a personalized art project? Or perhaps you're wondering about the potential costs of a custom artwork? Complete the form below, and I'll return to you with further details!

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sketch from a cutom rug made for a client